Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama to be on the Jay Leno show

I'm looking forward to this...Obama can be quite natural and good humored at these times. I'm sure Leno won't let the President get away with anything. It's not a serious talk show, more light entertainment so not bad timing after a heavy week.

Have fun President Obama!


  1. Nice site Gray Headed Man. I wish you well.

  2. You're sure Leno "won't let the President get away with anything!?" Are you kidding? WHo's once held his feet to the fire?

    Why'd you tell me at my site that "YOU PEOPLE" should be on something more important than abortion when you're talking Leno and Obama? hmmm

    Have fun'll be a giggling match, wait for it.
    Good on you for having Jackie Robinson's pic here....I just taught my little preschoolers about him and was thrilled when a MOm told me "I was at Starbucks and we ran into a friend who told me something about Babe Ruth and baseball..suddenly (4 yr old)Mimi said 'Mommy, did Jackie Robinson play as good as Babe Ruth?' ...what are you teaching these kids, I think that's great!" nice, huh?

  3. Also, I just read that you've felt you have to 'bow down' to George Bush. While I completely (COMPLETELY) disagree on Obama, I sure am glad you don't feel that way anymore..funny, but Bush wouldn't have liked that, either.
    He promoted people due to what they knew, not their color.

  4. I thought President Obama did well on Leno. They all wore suits in honor of the occasion.

  5. I totally like your comments under Black History Month.
